Uses of Class

Packages that use Object
java.awt Minimal AWT package for shape classes with integer co-ordinates 
java.awt.geom Minimal awt.geom package for Point2D, Line2D and Rectangle2D Input/Output support 
java.lang Core Java classes 
java.lang.annotation Basic support for annotations Support for sockets via PC SocketProxy 
java.util Utilities 
javax.bluetooth Standard Bluetooth classes J2ME I/O. 
javax.microedition.lcdui J2ME LCD User Interface classes. 
javax.microedition.location Location API 
lejos.addon.gps The lejos.addon.gps package provides GPS parsing. 
lejos.addon.keyboard Support for Bluetooth SPP keyboards 
lejos.charset a simple charset API for leJOS 
lejos.geom Geometric shape support for robotics using float co-ordinates leJOS specific support for 
lejos.nxt Access to NXT sensors, motors, etc. 
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit 
lejos.nxt.comm NXT communication classes 
lejos.nxt.debug Debugging thread classes 
lejos.nxt.rcxcomm Emulation of RCX communication classes 
lejos.nxt.remote Remote NXT access over Bluetooth 
lejos.robotics Hardware abstraction interfaces for the robotics package. 
lejos.robotics.localization Localization support 
lejos.robotics.mapping A new incomplete proposal for navigation 
lejos.robotics.navigation Navigation classes. 
lejos.robotics.proposal Support for maps 
lejos.robotics.subsumption Support for subsumption architecture. 
lejos.util More utility classes 

Uses of Object in java.awt

Subclasses of Object in java.awt
 class Point
          Represents a point in two dimensional space using integer co-ordinates
 class Rectangle
          A rectangle with integer coordinates.

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type Object
 boolean Rectangle.equals(Object obj)
          Test if the Rectangle is equal to a given object
 boolean Point.equals(Object obj)

Uses of Object in java.awt.geom

Subclasses of Object in java.awt.geom
 class Line2D
          An abstract class representing a line in two dimensional space
static class Line2D.Double
          A line in 2D space using float coordinates
static class Line2D.Float
          A line in 2D space using float coordinates
 class Point2D
          An abstract class for a point.
static class Point2D.Double
          A point with double coordinates.
static class Point2D.Float
          A point with float coordinates.
 class Rectangle2D
          An abstract class for a Rectangle.
static class Rectangle2D.Double
          A Rectangle2D with double coordinates
static class Rectangle2D.Float
          A Rectangle2D with float coordinates.
 class RectangularShape
          An abstract base class for shapes based on a rectangular frame.

Methods in java.awt.geom that return Object
 Object RectangularShape.clone()
 Object Point2D.clone()
 Object Line2D.clone()

Methods in java.awt.geom with parameters of type Object
 boolean Rectangle2D.equals(Object obj)
          Test if the rectangle is equal to a given object
 boolean Point2D.equals(Object obj)
          Test if this point is equal to a given object

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class BufferedInputStream
          This is a minimal implementation of BufferedWriter.
 class BufferedOutputStream
          This is a minimal implementation of BufferedWriter.
 class BufferedWriter
          NOTE: Text writing is not synchronized either like standard Java.
 class ByteArrayInputStream
 class ByteArrayOutputStream
 class DataInputStream
          Reads java data types transmitted as bytes over an InputStream.
 class DataOutputStream
          Transmits java data types as bytes over an OutputStream.
 class EOFException
          Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.
 class File
          Implements a file system using pages of flash memory.
 class FileInputStream
          Reads a stream of bytes from a file.
 class FileNotFoundException
 class FileOutputStream
          Writes a stream of bytes to a file.
 class FilterInputStream
 class FilterOutputStream
 class InputStream
          This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing an input stream of bytes.
 class InputStreamReader
 class IOException
          Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
 class OutputStream
          This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing an output stream of bytes.
 class OutputStreamWriter
 class PrintStream
          Minimal implementation of PrintStream.
 class Reader
          Basic Reader implementation.
 class StringWriter
 class UnsupportedEncodingException
 class Writer
          Basic Writer implementation.

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 void PrintStream.print(Object v)
 void PrintStream.println(Object v)

Uses of Object in java.lang

Subclasses of Object in java.lang
 class ArithmeticException
 class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 class ArrayStoreException
 class AssertionError
 class Boolean
          Wrapper class for booleans.
 class Byte
          Wrapper class for bytes.
 class Character
 class Class<T>
          Not fully functional.
 class ClassCastException
 class ClassNotFoundException
 class CloneNotSupportedException
 class Double
          Minimal Double implementation.
 class Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
 class Error
 class Exception
 class Float
          Minimal Float implementation.
 class IllegalArgumentException
 class IllegalMonitorStateException
 class IllegalStateException
 class IndexOutOfBoundsException
 class Integer
          Minimal Integer implementation that supports converting an int to a String.
 class InterruptedException
 class Long
          Wrapper class for long integers.
 class Math
          Mathematical functions.
 class NegativeArraySizeException
 class NoClassDefFoundError
 class NoSuchFieldError
 class NoSuchMethodError
 class NullPointerException
 class Number
          Superclass for the difference wrapper classes.
 class NumberFormatException
 class OutOfMemoryError
 class Runtime
          Minimalist version of the standard Java Runtime class.
 class RuntimeException
 class Short
          Wrapper class for shorts.
 class StackOverflowError
 class String
          An immutable string of characters.
 class StringBuffer
          An expandable string of characters.
 class StringBuilder
          An expandable string of characters.
 class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
 class System
          System utilities.
 class Thread
          A thread of execution (or task).
 class ThreadDeath
          This is a special Error, which isn't reported by the VM if uncaught.
 class Throwable
          All exceptions and errors extend this class.
 class UnsupportedOperationException
 class Void
          An uninstantiable placeholder class.

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type Object
 StringBuilder StringBuilder.append(Object aObject)
 StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(Object aObject)
static void System.arraycopy(Object src, int srcOffset, Object dest, int destOffset, int length)
          Copies one array to another.
 T Class.cast(Object o)
 int Short.compareTo(Object o)
 int Byte.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean String.equals(Object other)
          Compares the String with an Object
 boolean Short.equals(Object o)
 boolean Object.equals(Object aOther)
 boolean Long.equals(Object o)
 boolean Integer.equals(Object o)
 boolean Float.equals(Object o)
 boolean Enum.equals(Object o)
 boolean Double.equals(Object o)
 boolean Character.equals(Object o)
 boolean Byte.equals(Object o)
 boolean Boolean.equals(Object o)
static int System.identityHashCode(Object obj)
 boolean Class.isInstance(Object obj)
static String String.valueOf(Object aObj)
          Converts an Object to a String

Constructors in java.lang with parameters of type Object
AssertionError(Object message)

Uses of Object in java.lang.annotation

Methods in java.lang.annotation with parameters of type Object
 boolean Annotation.equals(Object obj)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ServerSocket
          Communicates with a ServerProxy on the PC to provide a ServerSocket interface applications on the NXT.
 class Socket

Uses of Object in java.util

Subclasses of Object in java.util
 class ArrayList<E>
          An expandable array.
 class BitSet
          Represents a long set of bits.
 class ConcurrentModificationException
          Exception thrown by Iterators if the underlying connection has been modified during the iteration.
 class Date
          Class designed to manage Date and Time.
 class EmptyQueueException
          An exception thrown by some Queue class methods to indicate that the Queue is empty
 class EmptyStackException
          An exception thrown by some stack class methods to indicate that the stack is empty
 class Hashtable
          Maps keys to objects.
 class NoSuchElementException
          NoSuchElementException is a Exception used with StringTokenizer
 class Properties
          Properties class, used to store properties using a key, and retrieving properties with a key.
 class Queue
          A FIFO Queue of objects.
 class Random
          Pseudo-random number generation.
 class Stack
          A LIFO stack of objects.
 class StringTokenizer
          This class has been developed to parse strings with delimiters
 class Vector
          A dynamic array.

Methods in java.util that return Object
 Object Vector.elementAt(int aIndex)
 Object Hashtable.get(Object aKey)
 Object StringTokenizer.nextElement()
          Method implemented by interface requirement
 Object Enumeration.nextElement()
 Object Stack.peek()
          fetches an object from the stack
does not remove it!
 Object Queue.peek()
          fetches an object from the start of the Queue
does not remove it!
 Object Stack.pop()
          fetches an object from the top of the stack and removes it
 Object Queue.pop()
          fetches an object from the start of the Queue and removes it
 Object Stack.push(Object anObject)
          pushes an object onto the stack
 Object Queue.push(Object anObject)
          pushes an object onto the Queue
 Object Hashtable.put(Object aKey, Object aValue)
 Object[] Vector.toArray()
 Object[] Collection.toArray()
<T> T[]
Collection.toArray(T[] a)

Methods in java.util with parameters of type Object
 void ArrayList.addAll(E[] elements)
          Deprecated. not in JDK
 void ArrayList.addAll(int index, E[] elements)
          Deprecated. not in JDK
 void Vector.addElement(Object aObj)
 boolean Collection.contains(Object o)
 boolean Vector.equals(Object aObj)
 boolean Collection.equals(Object o)
 Object Hashtable.get(Object aKey)
 int Vector.indexOf(Object aObj)
 int List.indexOf(Object o)
 int ArrayList.indexOf(Object element)
          Get the first index of a specific element.
 int Vector.indexOf(Object aObj, int aIndex)
 void Vector.insertElementAt(Object aObj, int aIndex)
 int Vector.lastIndexOf(Object anObject)
          delivers the index of the last occurrence of the object
 int List.lastIndexOf(Object o)
 int ArrayList.lastIndexOf(Object element)
          Get the last index of a specific element.
 int Vector.lastIndexOf(Object anObject, int anIndex)
          delivers the index of the last occurrence of the object starting from some index
 Object Stack.push(Object anObject)
          pushes an object onto the stack
 Object Queue.push(Object anObject)
          pushes an object onto the Queue
 Object Hashtable.put(Object aKey, Object aValue)
 boolean Collection.remove(Object o)
 boolean ArrayList.remove(Object o)
 boolean Vector.removeElement(Object aObj)
 void Vector.setElementAt(Object aObj, int aIndex)
<T> T[]
Collection.toArray(T[] a)

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type Object
ArrayList(E[] elements)
          Deprecated. not in JDK

Uses of Object in javax.bluetooth

Subclasses of Object in javax.bluetooth
 class BluetoothStateException
 class DeviceClass
          The DeviceClass class represents the class of device (CoD) record as defined by the Bluetooth specification.
 class DiscoveryAgent
          The DiscoveryAgent class provides methods to perform device discovery (but not service discovery in leJOS NXJ).
 class LocalDevice
          Singleton class representing a local NXT Bluetooth device.
 class RemoteDevice
          Represents a remote Bluetooth device.

Methods in javax.bluetooth with parameters of type Object
 boolean RemoteDevice.equals(Object obj)
          Determines if two RemoteDevices are equal.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ConnectionNotFoundException
          This class is used to signal that a connection target cannot be found, or the protocol type is not supported.
 class Connector
          This is a factory class to create different data connections, such as Bluetooth or USB.

Uses of Object in javax.microedition.lcdui

Subclasses of Object in javax.microedition.lcdui
 class Alert
 class ChoiceGroup
 class Command
 class Display
 class Displayable
 class Font
 class Form
 class Gauge
 class Graphics
          Preliminary Graphics class for LCD Screen
 class Image
 class Item
 class List
 class Screen
 class Spacer
 class StringItem
 class TextBox
 class TextField
 class Ticker

Methods in javax.microedition.lcdui that return Object
 Object Form.get(int itemNum)

Uses of Object in javax.microedition.location

Subclasses of Object in javax.microedition.location
 class AddressInfo
           The AddressInfo class holds textual address information about a location.
 class Coordinates
          This class has been designed to manage coordinates using JSR-179 Location API
 class Criteria
          Empty class used to satisfy Location API criteria.
 class Landmark
          The Landmark class represents a landmark, i.e. a known location with a name.
 class LandmarkException
          The LandmarkException is thrown when an error related to handling landmarks has occurred.
 class Location
          The Location class represents the standard set of basic location information.
 class LocationException
          The LocationException is thrown when a location API specific error has occurred.
 class LocationProvider
          This is the starting point for applications using this API and represents a source of the location information.
 class Orientation
          The Orientation class represents the physical orientation of the terminal.
 class QualifiedCoordinates

Uses of Object in lejos.addon.gps

Subclasses of Object in lejos.addon.gps
 class GGASentence
          This class has been designed to manage a GGA Sentence GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data.
 class GPS
          This class manages a data received from a GPS Device.
 class GSASentence
          This class has been designed to manage a GSA Sentence GPS DOP and active satellites eg1.
 class GSVSentence
          This class has been designed to manage a GSV Sentence GPS Satellites in View eg.
 class NMEASentence
          Class designed to manage all NMEA Sentence.
 class RMCSentence
          RMC is a Class designed to manage RMC Sentences from a NMEA GPS Receiver RMC - NMEA has its own version of essential gps pvt (position, velocity, time) data.
 class Satellite
          This class models data extracted from NMEA GSV Sentence $GPGSV,1,1,13,02,02,213,,03,-3,000,,11,00,121,,14,13,172,05*67 4 = SV PRN number 5 = Elevation in degrees, 90 maximum 6 = Azimuth, degrees from true north, 000 to 359 7 = SNR, 00-99 dB (null when not tracking) You can find out more about a satellite by looking up the PRN number here:
 class SimpleGPS
          This class manages data received from a GPS Device.
 class VTGSentence
          VTGSentence is a Class designed to manage VTG Sentences from a NMEA GPS Receiver $GPVTG Track Made Good and Ground Speed.

Uses of Object in lejos.addon.keyboard

Subclasses of Object in lejos.addon.keyboard
 class Keyboard
          This class will only work with SPP keyboards, not standard HID keyboards.
 class KeyEvent
          Contains data for a KeyEvent.

Uses of Object in lejos.charset

Subclasses of Object in lejos.charset
 class Latin1Decoder
 class Latin1Encoder
 class UTF8Decoder
 class UTF8Encoder

Uses of Object in lejos.geom

Subclasses of Object in lejos.geom
 class Line
          Represents a line and supports calculating the point of intersection of two line segments.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class LejosInputStreamReader
 class LejosOutputStreamWriter
          Abstract Single Byte Character Set OutputStream Writer.

Uses of Object in lejos.nxt

Subclasses of Object in lejos.nxt
 class BasicMotor
          An abstraction for a motor without a tachometer, such as an RCX motor.
 class Battery
          Provides access to Battery.
 class Button
          Abstraction for an NXT button.
 class ColorLightSensor
          LEGO Color Sensor driver.
 class Flash
          Read and write access to flash memory in pages.
 class FlashError
 class I2CSensor
          Abstract class that implements common methods for all I2C sensors.
 class LCD
          Text and graphics output to the LCD display.
 class LCDOutputStream
          A simple output stream that implements console output.
 class LightSensor
          This class is used to obtain readings from a LEGO NXT light sensor.
 class Motor
          Abstraction for a NXT motor.
 class Motor.Regulator
          inner class to regulate speed; also stop motor at desired rotation angle
 class MotorPort
          Abstraction for a NXT output port.
 class NXT
          Abstraction for the local NXT Device.
 class Poll
          Provides blocking access to events from the NXT.
 class SensorPort
          Abstraction for a NXT input port.
 class Settings
          leJOS NXJ persistent settings.
 class Sound
          NXT sound routines.
 class SoundSensor
          Abstraction for a NXT sound sensor.
 class SystemSettings
          This class is designed for use by other lejos classes to read persistent settings.
 class TouchSensor
          Abstraction for a NXT touch sensor.
 class UltrasonicSensor
          Abstraction for a NXT Ultrasonic Sensor.
 class VM
          This class provides access to many of the internal structures of the leJOS virtual machine.
 class VM.VMClass
          Provide access to the internal class data
 class VM.VMClasses
          Provide access to a series of class records
static class VM.VMClone
          This class is used to create a Java class from in memory data.
 class VM.VMConstants
          This class allows access to all of the constant values.
static class VM.VMElements
static class VM.VMException
          An exception record
static class VM.VMExceptions
          Class to provide access to a series of exception records
 class VM.VMFields
 class VM.VMImage
          The image header for the currently active program.
static class VM.VMItems<E>
          This class provides the ability to iterate through a series of in memory structures and returns a Java accessible clone of the structure.
 class VM.VMMethod
          Provide access to information about a method
 class VM.VMMethods
          Provide access to a series of method records
 class VM.VMStackFrame
 class VM.VMStackFrames
static class VM.VMStaticFields
          This class can be used to gain access to all of the static fields.
 class VM.VMThread
          Internal version of a thread structure
 class VM.VMThreads
          Provide access to a series of internal thread records
static class VM.VMValue
          Class that represents a value within the VM.

Fields in lejos.nxt declared as Object
 Object VM.VMStackFrame.monitor
 Object VM.VMThread.stackArray
 Object VM.VMThread.stackFrameArray
 Object VM.VMValue.value
 Object VM.VMThread.waitingOn

Methods in lejos.nxt with parameters of type Object
 Class<?> VM.getClass(Object obj)
          Return the Class object for the provided object.
 VM.VMElements VM.getElements(Object obj)
 VM.VMFields VM.getFields(Object obj)
          Provide access to the fields of an object
 VM.VMClass VM.getVMClass(Object obj)
          Return a VMClass object for the provided object.
 boolean VM.isArray(Object obj)
          Return true if the specified object is an array
static void VM.resumeThread(Object thread)
          Resume a thread.
static void VM.suspendThread(Object thread)
          Suspend a thread.

Uses of Object in lejos.nxt.addon

Subclasses of Object in lejos.nxt.addon
 class ColorSensor
          HiTechnic color sensor.
 class CompassSensor
          Abstraction for a HiTechnic or Mindsensors compass.
 class EOPD
          Supports HiTechnics EOPD (Electro Optical Proximity Detector) sensor.
 class GyroSensor
          Support the HiTechnic Gyro sensor - untested.
 class IRLink
          Supports for HiTechnic IRLink - see
 class IRSeeker
          HiTechnic IRSeeker sensor - untested.
 class LDCMotor
          LDCMotor, Lattebox DC Motor, is a abstraction to model any DCMotor connected to LSC, Lattebox Servo Controller.
 class LMotor
          Generic abstraction to manage RC Servos and DC Motor.
 class LSC
          This class has been defined to manage the device LSC, Lattebox Servo Controller which manage until 10 RC Servos / DC Motors
 class LServo
          LServo, Lattebox Servo, is a abstraction to model any RC Servo (continous and non continous) plugged to LSC, Lattebox Servo Controller.
 class MSC
          This class has been designed to manage the device MSC8, Mindsensors NXT Servo which manages up to 8 RC Servos.
 class MServo
          MServo, is a abstraction to model any RC Servo (continuous and non continuous) plugged to
 class NXTCam
          Mindsensors NXTCam.
 class NXTe
          Abstraction for a Lattebox NXT Extension Kit with Lattebox 10-Axis Servo Kit UML:
 class NXTLineLeader
          This class manages the sensor NXT Line Leader from Mindsensors.
 class OpticalDistanceSensor
          Supports Mindsensors DIST-Nx series of Optical Distance Sensor.
 class PFLink
          Class for controlling PF Motors with MindSensors NRLink-Nx
 class PFMate
          Supports Mindsensors PF Mate
This device is used to control Lego Power Function IR receiver
 class PFMateMotor
          Motor class for PFMate class
 class PFMotorPort
          MotorPort for PF Motors using HiTechnic IRLink
 class PSPNXController
          This class allows you to use a Sony Playstation 2 controller to control your robot in conjunction with the PSP-Nx interface.
 class RCXLightSensor
          This class is used to obtain readings from a legacy RCX light sensor, using an adapter cable to connect it to the NXT brick.
 class RCXLink
          Supports Mindsensors NRLink RCX IR adapter.
 class RCXMotor
          Abstraction for an RCX motor.
 class RCXMotorMultiplexer
          Supports the mindsensors RCX Motor Multiplexer
 class RCXPlexedMotorPort
          Supports a motor connected to the Mindsensors RCX Motor Multiplexer
 class RCXRemoteMotorPort
          Supports a motor connected to a remote RCX via a mindsensord NRLink adapter
 class RCXRotationSensor
          Provide access to the Lego RCX Rotation Sensor.
 class RCXSensorMultiplexer
          Supports Mindsensors RXMux
This sensor allows you to connect up to four RCX type sensors toa single port.
 class RCXTemperatureSensor
          Abstraction for an RCX temperature sensor.
 class RFIDSensor
          Support for the Codatex RFID Sensor.
 class TiltSensor
          This class works with HiTechnic or Mindsensors acceleration (tilt) sensor.

Uses of Object in lejos.nxt.comm

Subclasses of Object in lejos.nxt.comm
 class Bluetooth
          Provides Bluetooth communications.
 class BTConnection
          Provides a Bluetooth connection Supports both packetized, raw and stream based communincation.
 class LCP
          Implements the Lego Communication Protocol, with some extensions for lejos NXJ.
 class LCPBTResponder
          Support for LCP commands over Bluetooth in user programs.
 class LCPResponder
          Support for LCP commands
 class NXTCommConnector
          Standard interface to connect/wait for a connection.
 class NXTCommDevice
          Base class for nxt communications devices.
 class NXTConnection
          Generic lejos nxt connection class.
 class NXTInputStream
          Extends InputStream for BlueTooth; implements available()
 class NXTOutputStream
          Implements an OutputStream over Bluetooth.
 class RConsole
          This class provides a simple way of sending output for viewing on a PC.
 class RS485
          Low-level RS485/BitBus Network implementation This class provides simple low level access to the underlying RS485 hardware implemented on port 4 of the Lego NXT.
 class RS485Connection
          Connection object for an RS485/BitBus connection This object models a single BitBus connection.
 class USB
          Low-level USB access.
 class USBConnection
          Provides a USB connection Supports both packetized, raw and stream based communincation.

Uses of Object in lejos.nxt.debug

Subclasses of Object in lejos.nxt.debug
 class DebugInterface
          This class provides the primary interface to the debug capabilities of leJOS.
 class DebugMonitor
          Simple debug monitor that can be run alongside and nxj program.

Uses of Object in lejos.nxt.rcxcomm

Subclasses of Object in lejos.nxt.rcxcomm
 class LLC
          Emulates RCX LLC class using the RCXLink class.
 class LLCHandler
          Packet handler than implement the LLC packet protocol.
 class LLCReliableHandler
          A Packet handler that guarantees reliable delivery using checksums, acks, and a single bit sequence number.
 class PacketHandler
          Abstract packet handler.
 class RCXAbstractPort
          RCXAbstractPort provides an interface similar to Adapted from original code created by the LEGO3 Team at DTU-IAU RCXAbstractPort implements input and output stream handling and input buffering.
 class RCXPort
          RCXPort provides an interface similar to Adapted from original code created by the LEGO3 Team at DTU-IAU Uses Reliable low-level comms for communication.
 class Serial
          Emulation of the RCX Serial class with Mindsensors NRLINK adapter.

Uses of Object in lejos.nxt.remote

Subclasses of Object in lejos.nxt.remote
 class AsciizCodec
          Methods to encode and decode ASCIIZ.
 class DeviceInfo
          Represents a remote NXT accessed via LCP.
 class FileInfo
          Structure that gives information about a leJOS NXJ file.
 class FirmwareInfo
          Firmware information for a remote NXT accessed via LCP.
 class InputValues
          Sensor input values for a remote NXT accessed via LCP.
 class NXTComm
          Initiates communication to a remote NXT.
 class NXTCommand
          Sends LCP requests to the NXT and receives replies.
 class OutputState
          Container for holding the output state values.
 class RemoteBattery
          Battery readings from a remote NXT.
 class RemoteMotor
          Motor class.
 class RemoteMotorPort
          Supports a motor connected to a remote NXT
 class RemoteNXT
          Provides an API similar to the leJOS API for accessing motors, sensors etc. on a remote NXT accessed over Bluetooth using LCP.
 class RemoteSensorPort
          Emulates a Sensor Port using LCP

Uses of Object in lejos.realtime

Subclasses of Object in lejos.realtime
 class AbsoluteTime
 class AperiodicParameters
 class AsyncEvent
 class AsyncEventHandler
 class BoundAsyncEventHandler
 class CeilingViolationException
 class Clock
 class DMScheduler
 class EDFScheduler
 class EnergyParameters
 class EnergyRealtimeThread
 class HighResolutionTime
 class IllegalAssignmentError
 class ImmortalMemory
 class ImportanceParameters
 class MemoryArea
 class MemoryParameters
 class MonitorControl
 class NoHeapRealtimeThread
 class PeriodicParameters
 class PriorityCeilingEmulation
 class PriorityInheritance
 class PriorityParameters
          Instances of this class should be assigned to schedulable objects that are by schedulers which use a single integer to determine execution order.
 class PriorityScheduler
 class ProcessingGroupParameters
 class RealtimeThread
          Class used to create a Realtime thread.
 class RelativeTime
 class ReleaseParameters
          This ReleaseParameters class is an equivalent of the ReleaseParameters class in RTSJ.
 class RMScheduler
 class Scheduler
 class SchedulingParameters
          Subclasses of SchedulingParameters (PriorityParameters, ImportanceParameters, and any others defined for particular schedulers) provide the parameters to be used by the Scheduler.
 class SporadicParameters

Methods in lejos.realtime that return Object
 Object ProcessingGroupParameters.clone()
 Object ReleaseParameters.clone()
          Return a clone of this.
 Object HighResolutionTime.clone()
          Return a clone of this.
abstract  Object MemoryArea.newArray(Class type, int number)
 Object ImmortalMemory.newArray(Class type, int number)
abstract  Object MemoryArea.newInstance(Class type)
 Object ImmortalMemory.newInstance(Class type)

Methods in lejos.realtime with parameters of type Object
 int HighResolutionTime.compareTo(Object object)
          For the Comparable interface.
 boolean HighResolutionTime.equals(Object object)
          Returns true if the argument object has the same type and values as this.
static MemoryArea MemoryArea.ExcecuteInArea(Object obj)
static MemoryArea ImmortalMemory.ExcecuteInArea(Object obj)
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.get_mc(Object monitor)
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.getMonitorControl(Object monitor)
static void MonitorControl.set_one_mc(Object monitor, MonitorControl mc)
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.setMonitorControl(Object monitor, MonitorControl policy)
static void HighResolutionTime.waitForObject(Object target, HighResolutionTime time)
          Behaves exactly like target.wait() but with the enhancement that it waits with a precision of HighResolutionTime.

Uses of Object in lejos.robotics

Subclasses of Object in lejos.robotics
 class Colors
          Values for standard Lego colors.
 class ExtendedPlatform
 class MotorEvent
 class Movement
          Models a movement performed by a pilot
 class Pose
          Represents the location and heading(direction angle) of a robot.
 class RangeReading
          Represent a single range reading
 class RangeReadings
          Represents a set of range readings.
 class SimplePlatform

Uses of Object in lejos.robotics.localization

Subclasses of Object in lejos.robotics.localization
 class MCLParticle
          Represents a particle for the particle filtering algorithm.
 class MCLParticleSet
          Represents a particle set for the particle filtering algorithm.
 class MCLPoseProvider
 class TachoLocalizer
          An abstract extension to TachoNavigator that uses a map and a set of particles to implement the Monte Carlo Localization algorithm to estimate the pose of the robot as it moves about.

Uses of Object in lejos.robotics.mapping

Subclasses of Object in lejos.robotics.mapping
 class LineMap
          A map of a room or other closed environment, represented by line segments

Uses of Object in lejos.robotics.navigation

Subclasses of Object in lejos.robotics.navigation
 class CompassPilot
          A Pilot that keeps track of direction using a CompassSensor.
 class SimpleNavigator
          The SimpleNavigator class uses dead reckoning to keep track of its robot pose (the location in the plane and its heading - the direction in which it moves).
 class TachoPilot
          The TachoPilot class is a software abstraction of the Pilot mechanism of a NXT robot.

Uses of Object in lejos.robotics.proposal

Subclasses of Object in lejos.robotics.proposal
 class ArcPoseController
          This class directs a pilot from the current known coordinates to a destination set of coordinates.
 class CarefulDifferentialPilot
 class DeadReckonerPoseProvider
          A PoseProvider that keeps track of coordinates using dead reckoning, by monitoring Pilot movements.
 class DestinationUnreachableException
 class DifferentialPilot
          The DifferentialPilot class is a software abstraction of the Pilot mechanism of a NXT robot.
 class GPSPoseProvider
          The GPS PoseProvider class will probably work off data from the javax location package.
 class MapPathFinder
          PathFinder that takes a map and a dummy set of range readings.
 class SimplePathFinder
          Very simple path finder that assumes there is a direct route to the target
 class SteeringPilot
          The SteeringPilot uses a similar steering mechanism to a car.
 class UpdateablePose
          Experimental Pose Represents the location and heading(direction angle) of a robot.
 class WayPoint

Uses of Object in lejos.robotics.subsumption

Subclasses of Object in lejos.robotics.subsumption
 class Arbitrator
          Arbitrator controls which behavior should become active in a behavior control system.

Uses of Object in lejos.util

Subclasses of Object in lejos.util
 class Assertion
          Class used in debugging to test assertions.
 class ButtonCounter
          This is class is for data entry using the NXT keyboard.
 class Datalogger
          Datalogger class; stores float values then then transmits via bluetooth or usb
works with DataViewer in pctools.
 class DebugMessages
          This class has been developed to use it in case of you have to tests leJOS programs and you need to show in NXT Display data but you don't need to design a User Interface.
 class Delay
          Simple collection of time delay routines that are non interruptable.
 class KalmanFilter
 class LUDecomposition
          LU Decomposition.
 class Matrix
 class Stopwatch
          Elapsed time watch (in milliseconds)
To use - construct a new instance.
 class TextMenu
          Displays a list of items.
 class Timer
          Timer object, with some similar functionality to java.Swing.Timer.
 class TimeReference

Methods in lejos.util that return Object
 Object Matrix.clone()
          Clone the Matrix object.