Uses of Class

Packages that use Pose
lejos.robotics Hardware abstraction interfaces for the robotics package. 
lejos.robotics.localization Localization support 
lejos.robotics.mapping A new incomplete proposal for navigation 
lejos.robotics.navigation Navigation classes. 
lejos.robotics.proposal Support for maps 

Uses of Pose in lejos.robotics

Methods in lejos.robotics with parameters of type Pose
 int RotationPlatform.getAbsoluteDirection(Pose pose)
          Includes the direction of the pilot in the calculation of the real angle of the sensor (as opposed to the relative direction of the sensor) NOTE: There is no corresponding setAbsoluteDirection() method because the angle the Pilot would rotate to and the angle the sensor would rotate to would be ambiguous. e.g. to rotate the sensor 90 degrees, the Pilot could rotate 10 degrees and the sensor 80 degrees, or any number of combinations to get 90 degrees.
 int SimplePlatform.getAbsoluteDirection(Pose pose)

Uses of Pose in lejos.robotics.localization

Methods in lejos.robotics.localization that return Pose
 Pose TachoLocalizer.getEstimatedPose()
          Get the estimated position and angle of the robot.
 Pose MCLParticleSet.getEstimatedPose()
          Get the estimated pose of the robot
 Pose PoseProvider.getPose()
 Pose MCLParticle.getPose()
          Return the pose of this particle
 Pose MCLPoseProvider.getPose()

Constructors in lejos.robotics.localization with parameters of type Pose
MCLParticle(Pose pose)
          Create a particle with a specific pose

Uses of Pose in lejos.robotics.mapping

Methods in lejos.robotics.mapping with parameters of type Pose
 float LineMap.range(Pose pose)
          Calculate the range of a robot to the nearest wall
 float RangeMap.range(Pose pose)
          The the range to the nearest wall (or other feature)

Uses of Pose in lejos.robotics.navigation

Methods in lejos.robotics.navigation that return Pose
 Pose SimpleNavigator.getPose()

Methods in lejos.robotics.navigation with parameters of type Pose
 void SimpleNavigator.setPose(Pose pose)
          sets the robot pose

Uses of Pose in lejos.robotics.proposal

Subclasses of Pose in lejos.robotics.proposal
 class UpdateablePose
          Experimental Pose Represents the location and heading(direction angle) of a robot.

Methods in lejos.robotics.proposal that return Pose
 Pose GPSPoseProvider.getPose()
 Pose DeadReckonerPoseProvider.getPose()
 Pose WayPoint.getPose()
 Pose ArcPoseController.goTo(float x, float y)
 Pose PoseController.goTo(float x, float y)
          Travels to the coordinates specified.
 Pose ArcPoseController.goTo(Point destination)
 Pose PoseController.goTo(Point destination)
          Travels to the coordinates in the destination Point.

Methods in lejos.robotics.proposal with parameters of type Pose
 boolean WayPoint.checkValidity(Pose p)
          Check that the given pose satisfies the conditions for this way point
 Collection<WayPoint> SimplePathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Point destination)
 Collection<WayPoint> PathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Point destination)
 Collection<WayPoint> MapPathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Point destination)
 Collection<WayPoint> SimplePathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Pose destination)
 Collection<WayPoint> PathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Pose destination)
 Collection<WayPoint> MapPathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Pose destination)

Constructors in lejos.robotics.proposal with parameters of type Pose
WayPoint(Pose p)