Uses of Class

Packages that use RCXLink
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit 
lejos.nxt.rcxcomm Emulation of RCX communication classes 

Uses of RCXLink in lejos.nxt.addon

Constructors in lejos.nxt.addon with parameters of type RCXLink
RCXRemoteMotorPort(RCXLink link, int id)

Uses of RCXLink in lejos.nxt.rcxcomm

Methods in lejos.nxt.rcxcomm that return RCXLink
static RCXLink LLC.getLink()
          Return the RCXLink object associated with LLC
static RCXLink Serial.getLink()
          Get the RCXLink object associated with the Serial class