- curl
- gcc
- libmpfr-dev
- Texinfo
- make
- gnustep-make
- libgmp3-dev
- libmpfr1ldbl
- libncurses5-dev
- libncurses5
Download packages
Download packages and the script below :
- binutils-2.19.1.tar.bz2
- gcc-core-4.4.0.tar.bz2
- gdb-6.8.tar.bz2
- newlib-1.17.0.tar.gz
- build_arm_toolchain.zip
Build Arm toolchain
Create a directory of your choice where the GNU Arm toolchain will be installed, for example : /home/user/GNU-arm-toolchain. Extract build_arm_toolchain.zip in this directory and create an other directory called "src" in the last one. (/home/user/GNU-arm-toolchain/src).
Copy in the directory "src" binutils-2.19.1.tar.bz2, gcc-core-4.4.0.tar.bz2, gdb-6.8.tar.bz2 and newlib-1.17.0.tar.gz without extracting them.
Start a shell session, and go to the first directory you have created (/home/user/GNU-arm-toolchain in our example). Then tape : ./build_arm_toolchain.sh to execute the script and to install the arm toolchain. The installation is made in 5 stages.
Use Arm toolchain
You need to set up environment variables like this :
export PATH=/home/user/GNU-arm-toolchain/install/bin:$PATH
You need to restart your session.
You can check that you have successfully installed GNU Arm toolchain on your PC by starting a shell session and taping "arm-elf-gcc".