Uses of Class

Packages that use NXTConnection Support for sockets via PC SocketProxy 
lejos.nxt.comm NXT communication classes 

Uses of NXTConnection in

Constructors in with parameters of type NXTConnection
ServerSocket(int port, NXTConnection nxtc)
Socket(NXTConnection nxtc)
Socket(String host, int port, NXTConnection nxtc)
          Constructor: Pass an open NXT connection and socket details.

Uses of NXTConnection in lejos.nxt.comm

Subclasses of NXTConnection in lejos.nxt.comm
 class BTConnection
          Provides a Bluetooth connection Supports both packetized, raw and stream based communincation.
 class RS485Connection
          Connection object for an RS485/BitBus connection This object models a single BitBus connection.
 class USBConnection
          Provides a USB connection Supports both packetized, raw and stream based communincation.

Methods in lejos.nxt.comm that return NXTConnection
abstract  NXTConnection NXTCommConnector.connect(String target, int mode)
          Open a connection to the specified name/address using the given I/O mode
abstract  NXTConnection NXTCommConnector.waitForConnection(int timeout, int mode)
          Wait for an incomming connection, or for the request to timeout.