Uses of Class

Packages that use SensorPort
lejos.nxt Access to NXT sensors, motors, etc. 
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit 
lejos.nxt.rcxcomm Emulation of RCX communication classes 

Uses of SensorPort in lejos.nxt

Fields in lejos.nxt declared as SensorPort
static SensorPort[] SensorPort.PORTS
          Array containing all three ports [0..3].
static SensorPort SensorPort.S1
          Port labeled 1 on NXT.
static SensorPort SensorPort.S2
          Port labeled 2 on NXT.
static SensorPort SensorPort.S3
          Port labeled 3 on NXT.
static SensorPort SensorPort.S4
          Port labeled 4 on NXT.

Methods in lejos.nxt with parameters of type SensorPort
 void SensorPortListener.stateChanged(SensorPort aSource, int aOldValue, int aNewValue)
          Called when the raw value of the sensor attached to the port changes.

Constructors in lejos.nxt with parameters of type SensorPort
ColorLightSensor(SensorPort port, int type)
          Create a new Color Sensor instance and bind it to a port.

Uses of SensorPort in lejos.nxt.addon

Constructors in lejos.nxt.addon with parameters of type SensorPort
LDCMotor(SensorPort port, int location, String DCMotorName, byte SPI_PORT)
LDCMotor(SensorPort port, int location, String DCMotorName, byte SPI_PORT, int forwardMinSpeed, int forwardMaxSpeed, int backwardMinSpeed, int backwardMaxSpeed)
LMotor(SensorPort port, int location, String name, byte SPI_PORT)
LSC(SensorPort port, byte SPI_PORT)
LServo(SensorPort port, int location, String servoName, byte SPI_PORT)
LServo(SensorPort port, int location, String servoName, byte SPI_PORT, int min_angle, int max_angle)
          Constructor with the feature to set min and max angle
LServo(SensorPort port, int location, String servoName, byte SPI_PORT, int min_angle, int max_angle, int init_angle)
          Constructor with the feature to set min, max and init angle
MSC(SensorPort port)
MServo(SensorPort port, int location)
          The initial Constructor.
MServo(SensorPort port, int location, String servoName)
          The initial Constructor.
MServo(SensorPort port, int location, String servoName, int min_angle, int max_angle)
          Constructor with the feature to set min, max and init angle
NXTe(SensorPort port)
PSPNXController(SensorPort port)

Uses of SensorPort in lejos.nxt.rcxcomm

Methods in lejos.nxt.rcxcomm with parameters of type SensorPort
static void LLC.init(SensorPort port)
          Initialize LLC and set port
static void LLC.setPort(SensorPort port)
          Set sensor port
static void Serial.setPort(SensorPort port)
          Set the sensor port

Constructors in lejos.nxt.rcxcomm with parameters of type SensorPort
LLCHandler(SensorPort port)
RCXPort(SensorPort port)