Uses of Interface

Packages that use I2CPort
lejos.nxt Access to NXT sensors, motors, etc. 
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit 
lejos.nxt.remote Remote NXT access over Bluetooth 

Uses of I2CPort in lejos.nxt

Classes in lejos.nxt that implement I2CPort
 class SensorPort
          Abstraction for a NXT input port.

Methods in lejos.nxt that return I2CPort
 I2CPort I2CSensor.getPort()
          Get the port that the sensor is attached to

Constructors in lejos.nxt with parameters of type I2CPort
I2CSensor(I2CPort port)
I2CSensor(I2CPort port, int mode)
UltrasonicSensor(I2CPort port)

Uses of I2CPort in lejos.nxt.addon

Constructors in lejos.nxt.addon with parameters of type I2CPort
ColorSensor(I2CPort port)
CompassSensor(I2CPort port)
IRLink(I2CPort port)
IRSeeker(I2CPort port)
NXTCam(I2CPort port)
NXTLineLeader(I2CPort port)
OpticalDistanceSensor(I2CPort port)
PFLink(I2CPort _Port)
PFMate(I2CPort port, int channel)
          Constructor takes in the sensor port and the PF channel you will be using
RCXLink(I2CPort port)
RCXMotorMultiplexer(I2CPort port)
RCXSensorMultiplexer(I2CPort port)
RFIDSensor(I2CPort port)
          Create a class to provide access to the device.
TiltSensor(I2CPort port)

Uses of I2CPort in lejos.nxt.remote

Classes in lejos.nxt.remote that implement I2CPort
 class RemoteSensorPort
          Emulates a Sensor Port using LCP