Uses of Class

Packages that use Point
lejos.geom Geometric shape support for robotics using float co-ordinates 
lejos.robotics Hardware abstraction interfaces for the robotics package. 
lejos.robotics.mapping A new incomplete proposal for navigation 
lejos.robotics.proposal Support for maps 

Uses of Point in lejos.geom

Methods in lejos.geom that return Point
 Point Line.intersectsAt(Line l)
          Calculate the point of intersection of two lines.

Uses of Point in lejos.robotics

Methods in lejos.robotics that return Point
 Point Pose.getLocation()
          Get the location as a Point

Methods in lejos.robotics with parameters of type Point
 float Pose.angleTo(Point destination)
          Calculates the absolute angle to destination from the current location of the pose
 float Pose.distanceTo(Point destination)
          Get the distance to the destination
 void Pose.setLocation(Point p)
          Set the location of the pose

Uses of Point in lejos.robotics.mapping

Methods in lejos.robotics.mapping with parameters of type Point
 boolean LineMap.inside(Point p)
          Check if a point is within the mapped area
 boolean RangeMap.inside(Point p)
          Test if a point is within the mapped area

Uses of Point in lejos.robotics.proposal

Subclasses of Point in lejos.robotics.proposal
 class WayPoint

Methods in lejos.robotics.proposal that return Point
 Point UpdateablePose.getLocation()
          return the location as a Point

Methods in lejos.robotics.proposal with parameters of type Point
 Collection<WayPoint> SimplePathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Point destination)
 Collection<WayPoint> PathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Point destination)
 Collection<WayPoint> MapPathFinder.findRoute(Pose start, Point destination)
 Pose ArcPoseController.goTo(Point destination)
 Pose PoseController.goTo(Point destination)
          Travels to the coordinates in the destination Point.
 void UpdateablePose.setLocation(Point p)
 void DeadReckonerPoseProvider.setPosition(Point p)

Constructors in lejos.robotics.proposal with parameters of type Point
WayPoint(Point p)