Uses of Class

Packages that use AddressInfo
javax.microedition.location Location API 

Uses of AddressInfo in javax.microedition.location

Methods in javax.microedition.location that return AddressInfo
 AddressInfo Location.getAddressInfo()
          Returns the AddressInfo associated with this Location object.
 AddressInfo Landmark.getAddressInfo()
          Gets the AddressInfo of the landmark.

Methods in javax.microedition.location with parameters of type AddressInfo
 void Landmark.setAddressInfo(AddressInfo addressInfo)
          Sets the AddressInfo of the landmark.

Constructors in javax.microedition.location with parameters of type AddressInfo
Landmark(String name, String description, QualifiedCoordinates coordinates, AddressInfo addressInfo)
          Constructs a new Landmark object with the values specified.