Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoteDevice
javax.bluetooth Standard Bluetooth classes 
lejos.nxt.comm NXT communication classes 

Uses of RemoteDevice in javax.bluetooth

Methods in javax.bluetooth that return RemoteDevice
static RemoteDevice RemoteDevice.getRemoteDevice(Connection conn)
 RemoteDevice[] DiscoveryAgent.retrieveDevices(int option)
          Returns an array of Bluetooth devices that have either been found by the local device during previous inquiry requests or been specified as a pre-known device depending on the argument.

Methods in javax.bluetooth with parameters of type RemoteDevice
 void DiscoveryListener.deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice btDevice, DeviceClass cod)
          Called when a device is found during an inquiry.

Uses of RemoteDevice in lejos.nxt.comm

Methods in lejos.nxt.comm that return RemoteDevice
static RemoteDevice Bluetooth.getKnownDevice(String fName)
          Gets a Device of the BC4-Chips internal list of known Devices (those who have been paired before) into the BTDevice Object.

Methods in lejos.nxt.comm with parameters of type RemoteDevice
static boolean Bluetooth.addDevice(RemoteDevice d)
          Add device to known devices
static BTConnection Bluetooth.connect(RemoteDevice remoteDevice)
          Connects to a remote device.
static boolean Bluetooth.removeDevice(RemoteDevice d)
          Remove device from known devices