Uses of Class

Packages that use Throwable Input/Output support 
java.lang Core Java classes 
java.util Utilities 
javax.bluetooth Standard Bluetooth classes J2ME I/O. 
javax.microedition.location Location API 
lejos.nxt Access to NXT sensors, motors, etc. 
lejos.robotics.proposal Support for maps 

Uses of Throwable in

Subclasses of Throwable in
 class EOFException
          Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.
 class FileNotFoundException
 class IOException
          Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
 class UnsupportedEncodingException

Uses of Throwable in java.lang

Subclasses of Throwable in java.lang
 class ArithmeticException
 class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 class ArrayStoreException
 class AssertionError
 class ClassCastException
 class ClassNotFoundException
 class CloneNotSupportedException
 class Error
 class Exception
 class IllegalArgumentException
 class IllegalMonitorStateException
 class IllegalStateException
 class IndexOutOfBoundsException
 class InterruptedException
 class NegativeArraySizeException
 class NoClassDefFoundError
 class NoSuchFieldError
 class NoSuchMethodError
 class NullPointerException
 class NumberFormatException
 class OutOfMemoryError
 class RuntimeException
 class StackOverflowError
 class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
 class ThreadDeath
          This is a special Error, which isn't reported by the VM if uncaught.
 class UnsupportedOperationException

Uses of Throwable in java.util

Subclasses of Throwable in java.util
 class ConcurrentModificationException
          Exception thrown by Iterators if the underlying connection has been modified during the iteration.
 class EmptyQueueException
          An exception thrown by some Queue class methods to indicate that the Queue is empty
 class EmptyStackException
          An exception thrown by some stack class methods to indicate that the stack is empty
 class NoSuchElementException
          NoSuchElementException is a Exception used with StringTokenizer

Uses of Throwable in javax.bluetooth

Subclasses of Throwable in javax.bluetooth
 class BluetoothStateException

Uses of Throwable in

Subclasses of Throwable in
 class ConnectionNotFoundException
          This class is used to signal that a connection target cannot be found, or the protocol type is not supported.

Uses of Throwable in javax.microedition.location

Subclasses of Throwable in javax.microedition.location
 class LandmarkException
          The LandmarkException is thrown when an error related to handling landmarks has occurred.
 class LocationException
          The LocationException is thrown when a location API specific error has occurred.

Uses of Throwable in lejos.nxt

Subclasses of Throwable in lejos.nxt
 class FlashError

Uses of Throwable in lejos.realtime

Subclasses of Throwable in lejos.realtime
 class CeilingViolationException
 class IllegalAssignmentError

Uses of Throwable in lejos.robotics.proposal

Subclasses of Throwable in lejos.robotics.proposal
 class DestinationUnreachableException