Uses of Class

Packages that use Thread
java.lang Core Java classes 
lejos.addon.gps The lejos.addon.gps package provides GPS parsing. 
lejos.addon.keyboard Support for Bluetooth SPP keyboards 
lejos.nxt Access to NXT sensors, motors, etc. 
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit 
lejos.nxt.comm NXT communication classes 
lejos.nxt.debug Debugging thread classes 

Uses of Thread in java.lang

Methods in java.lang that return Thread
static Thread Thread.currentThread()

Uses of Thread in lejos.addon.gps

Subclasses of Thread in lejos.addon.gps
 class GPS
          This class manages a data received from a GPS Device.
 class SimpleGPS
          This class manages data received from a GPS Device.

Uses of Thread in lejos.addon.keyboard

Subclasses of Thread in lejos.addon.keyboard
 class Keyboard
          This class will only work with SPP keyboards, not standard HID keyboards.

Uses of Thread in lejos.nxt

Subclasses of Thread in lejos.nxt
 class Motor.Regulator
          inner class to regulate speed; also stop motor at desired rotation angle

Fields in lejos.nxt declared as Thread
 Thread VM.VMThread.nextThread

Methods in lejos.nxt that return Thread
 Thread VM.VMThread.getJavaThread()
          Return a Java Thread object for this thread.

Methods in lejos.nxt with parameters of type Thread
 VM.VMThread VM.getVMThread(Thread thread)

Uses of Thread in lejos.nxt.addon

Subclasses of Thread in lejos.nxt.addon
 class RCXRotationSensor
          Provide access to the Lego RCX Rotation Sensor.

Uses of Thread in lejos.nxt.comm

Subclasses of Thread in lejos.nxt.comm
 class LCPBTResponder
          Support for LCP commands over Bluetooth in user programs.
 class LCPResponder
          Support for LCP commands
 class RConsole
          This class provides a simple way of sending output for viewing on a PC.

Uses of Thread in lejos.nxt.debug

Fields in lejos.nxt.debug declared as Thread
 Thread DebugInterface.thread
 Thread[] DebugInterface.threads

Uses of Thread in lejos.realtime

Subclasses of Thread in lejos.realtime
 class EnergyRealtimeThread
 class NoHeapRealtimeThread
 class RealtimeThread
          Class used to create a Realtime thread.

Methods in lejos.realtime with parameters of type Thread
static int PriorityScheduler.getMaxPriority(Thread thread)
          Gets the maximum priority for the given thread.
static int PriorityScheduler.getMinPriority(Thread thread)
          Gets the minimum priority for the given thread.
static int PriorityScheduler.getNormPriority(Thread thread)
          Gets the "norm" priority for the given thread.