Uses of Class

Packages that use SuppressWarnings
java.lang Core Java classes 
java.util Utilities 
lejos.util More utility classes 

Uses of SuppressWarnings in java.lang

Methods in java.lang with annotations of type SuppressWarnings
<U> Class<? extends U>
Class.asSubclass(Class<U> cls)
 T Class.cast(Object o)
static Class<?> Class.forName(String aName)
 Class<E> Enum.getDeclaringClass()
 Class<? super T> Class.getSuperclass()
<T extends Enum<T>>
Enum.valueOf(Class<T> enumclas, String name)
          Deprecated. not implemented in leJOS

Uses of SuppressWarnings in java.util

Methods in java.util with annotations of type SuppressWarnings
 E ArrayList.get(int index)
          Get a specific element.
 E ArrayList.remove(int index)
          Remove a element at a specific index.
 E ArrayList.set(int index, E element)
          Replace an element at a specific index with a new element.

Uses of SuppressWarnings in lejos.util

Methods in lejos.util with annotations of type SuppressWarnings
static void Delay.nsDelay(long period)
          Wait for the specified number of nanoseconds.
static void Delay.usDelay(long period)
          Wait for the specified number of microseconds.