Uses of Class

Packages that use Deprecated
java.awt Minimal AWT package for shape classes with integer co-ordinates Input/Output support 
java.lang Core Java classes 
java.util Utilities 
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit 
lejos.nxt.remote Remote NXT access over Bluetooth 
lejos.robotics.navigation Navigation classes. 

Uses of Deprecated in java.awt

Methods in java.awt with annotations of type Deprecated
 boolean Rectangle.inside(int x, int y)
 void Rectangle.reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height)
 void Rectangle.resize(int width, int height)

Uses of Deprecated in

Methods in with annotations of type Deprecated
 String DataInputStream.readLine()
          Deprecated. broken in various ways, use BufferedReader.readLine instead
 String ByteArrayOutputStream.toString(int hibyte)
          Deprecated. use ByteArrayOutputStream.toString(String) instead

Constructors in with annotations of type Deprecated
BufferedWriter(OutputStream os)
          Deprecated. use OutputStreamWriter instead.

Uses of Deprecated in java.lang

Fields in java.lang with annotations of type Deprecated
static int Integer.MAX_RADIX
          Deprecated. use constant in Character
static int Integer.MIN_RADIX
          Deprecated. use constant in Character

Methods in java.lang with annotations of type Deprecated
static int Integer.digit(char ch, int radix)
          Deprecated. use Character.digit(char, int) instead.
static int Integer.digit(int ch, int radix)
          Deprecated. use Character.digit(int, int) instead.
<T extends Enum<T>>
Enum.valueOf(Class<T> enumclas, String name)
          Deprecated. not implemented in leJOS

Uses of Deprecated in java.util

Methods in java.util with annotations of type Deprecated
 void ArrayList.addAll(E[] elements)
          Deprecated. not in JDK
 void ArrayList.addAll(int index, E[] elements)
          Deprecated. not in JDK

Constructors in java.util with annotations of type Deprecated
ArrayList(E[] elements)
          Deprecated. not in JDK

Uses of Deprecated in lejos.nxt.addon

Methods in lejos.nxt.addon with annotations of type Deprecated
 void RCXLightSensor.activate()
          Deprecated. Use RCXLightSensor.setFloodlight(boolean) with true instead
 void RCXLightSensor.passivate()
          Deprecated. Use RCXLightSensor.setFloodlight(boolean) with false instead
 int RCXLightSensor.readValue()
          Deprecated. Use RCXLightSensor.getLightValue() instead

Uses of Deprecated in lejos.nxt.remote

Methods in lejos.nxt.remote with annotations of type Deprecated
 int RemoteMotor.getBlockTacho()
 int RemoteMotor.getRotationCount()
 int RemoteMotor.resetBlockTacho()

Uses of Deprecated in lejos.robotics.navigation

Methods in lejos.robotics.navigation with annotations of type Deprecated
 void Pilot.setSpeed(int speed)
          Deprecated. in 0.8, use setTurnSpeed() and setMoveSpeed(). The method was deprecated, as this it requires knowledge of the robots physical construction, which this interface should hide!

Constructors in lejos.robotics.navigation with annotations of type Deprecated
SimpleNavigator(float wheelDiameter, float trackWidth, TachoMotor leftMotor, TachoMotor rightMotor)
          Deprecated. The correct way is to create the Pilot in advance and to use that in construction of the SimpleNavigator. Otherwise the SimpleNavigator needs to know detail it should not care about!
SimpleNavigator(float wheelDiameter, float trackWidth, TachoMotor leftMotor, TachoMotor rightMotor, boolean reverse)
          Deprecated. The correct way is to create the Pilot in advance and to use that in construction of the SimpleNavigator. Otherwise the SimpleNavigator needs to know detail it should not care about!