Uses of Class

Packages that use ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
java.util Utilities 
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit 
lejos.util More utility classes 

Uses of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in java.util

Methods in java.util that throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 int Vector.lastIndexOf(Object anObject, int anIndex)
          delivers the index of the last occurrence of the object starting from some index

Uses of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in lejos.nxt.addon

Methods in lejos.nxt.addon that throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 void LSC.addDCMotor(int location, String name)
          Method to add a DC Motor
 void LSC.addDCMotor(int location, String name, int forward_min_speed, int forward_max_speed, int backward_min_speed, int backward_max_speed)
          Method to add a DC Motor
 void NXTe.addLSC(int SPI_PORT)
          Add a LSC, Lattebox Servo Controller
 void LSC.addServo(int location, String name)
          Method to add a RC servo to current LSC
 void LSC.addServo(int location, String name, int min_angle, int max_angle)
          Method to add a RC servo to current LSC

Uses of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in lejos.util

Methods in lejos.util that throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 Matrix Matrix.getMatrix(int[] r, int[] c)
          Get a submatrix.
 Matrix Matrix.getMatrix(int[] r, int j0, int j1)
          Get a submatrix.
 Matrix Matrix.getMatrix(int i0, int i1, int[] c)
          Get a submatrix.
 Matrix Matrix.getMatrix(int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1)
          Get a submatrix.
 void Matrix.setMatrix(int[] r, int[] c, Matrix X)
          Set a submatrix.
 void Matrix.setMatrix(int[] r, int j0, int j1, Matrix X)
          Set a submatrix.
 void Matrix.setMatrix(int i0, int i1, int[] c, Matrix X)
          Set a submatrix.
 void Matrix.setMatrix(int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1, Matrix X)
          Set a submatrix.