Uses of Class

Packages that use Line2D
java.awt.geom Minimal awt.geom package for Point2D, Line2D and Rectangle2D 
lejos.geom Geometric shape support for robotics using float co-ordinates 

Uses of Line2D in java.awt.geom

Subclasses of Line2D in java.awt.geom
static class Line2D.Double
          A line in 2D space using float coordinates
static class Line2D.Float
          A line in 2D space using float coordinates

Methods in java.awt.geom with parameters of type Line2D
 boolean Line2D.intersectsLine(Line2D l)
          Tests if this line intersects a given line
 void Line2D.setLine(Line2D line)
          Set the end points of a line to the same as a given line

Uses of Line2D in lejos.geom

Subclasses of Line2D in lejos.geom
 class Line
          Represents a line and supports calculating the point of intersection of two line segments.