Uses of Class

Packages that use Rectangle
java.awt Minimal AWT package for shape classes with integer co-ordinates 
java.awt.geom Minimal awt.geom package for Point2D, Line2D and Rectangle2D 
lejos.nxt.addon Access to third party and legacy RCX sensors, motors and other hardware not included in the Lego NXT kit 
lejos.robotics.localization Localization support 
lejos.robotics.mapping A new incomplete proposal for navigation 

Uses of Rectangle in java.awt

Methods in java.awt that return Rectangle
 Rectangle Shape.getBounds()
          Get the bounding Rectangle for the shape
 Rectangle Rectangle.getBounds()

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type Rectangle
 boolean Rectangle.contains(Rectangle r)
          Test if this rectangle contains a specified rectangle
 boolean Rectangle.intersects(Rectangle r)
          Test if this rectangle intersects a specified rectangle
 void Rectangle.setBounds(Rectangle r)
          Set the bounds of this rectangle to the given rectangle

Uses of Rectangle in java.awt.geom

Methods in java.awt.geom that return Rectangle
 Rectangle RectangularShape.getBounds()
          Get the bounds of this rectangular shape as a Rectangle
 Rectangle Line2D.getBounds()

Uses of Rectangle in lejos.nxt.addon

Methods in lejos.nxt.addon that return Rectangle
 Rectangle NXTCam.getRectangle(int id)
          Get the rectangle containing a tracked object

Uses of Rectangle in lejos.robotics.localization

Methods in lejos.robotics.localization that return Rectangle
 Rectangle MCLParticleSet.getErrorRect()
          Return the minimum rectangle enclosing all the particles

Uses of Rectangle in lejos.robotics.mapping

Methods in lejos.robotics.mapping that return Rectangle
 Rectangle LineMap.getBoundingRect()
          Return the bounding rectangle of the mapped area
 Rectangle RangeMap.getBoundingRect()
          Get the bounding rectangle for the mapped area

Constructors in lejos.robotics.mapping with parameters of type Rectangle
LineMap(Line[] lines, Rectangle boundingRect)
          Create a map from an array of line segments and a bounding rectangle